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10th social Science unit-2 digital Guide - HISTORY

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10th social Science History Chapter- 2 -  The World Between Two World War Book solutions

Unit-2 - HISTORY 
The World Between Two World War Book Question and answer notes 

1.Outbreak Of World War I And Its Aftermath

2.The World Between Two World War

3.World War II 

4.The World After World War II

5.Social and Religious Reform Movements in the 19Th Century


 I)Choose the Correct Answer

1.  With whom of the following was signed the Lateran Treaty by Italy? 

a)  Germany 

c)  Pope

 b)  Russia 

d)  Spain 

Ans :  c) Pope

 2.  With whose conquest the Mexican collapsed?

 a)  Hernan Cortes 

c)  Toussaint Louverture 

b)  Francisco Pizarro 

d)  Pedro I  

Ans :  a) Hernan Cortes

3.  Who made Peru as part of their dominions? 

a)  English 

c)  Russians 

 b)  Spaniards 

d)  French   

 Ans :  b) Spaniards 

4.WhichPresidentoftheUSApursued“GoodNeighbour”policytowardsLatin America 

a)  Roosevelt 

c)  Woodrow Wilson 

b)  Truman

 d)  Eisenhower

Ans :  a) Roosevelt

 5.  Which part of the world disliked dollar imperialism? 

a)  Europe

 c)  India 

b)  Latin America 

d)  China

   Ans :  b) Latin America 

6.  Who was the brain behind the apartheid policy  in South Africa?

 a)  Verwoerd 

c)  Herzog

 b)  Smut

 d)  Botha  

Ans :  a) Verwoerd

 7.  Which quickened the  process of liberation in Latin America? 

 a)  Support of US 

c)  Simon Boliver’s involvement

 b)  Napoleonic Invasion 

d)  French Revolution 

Ans  :  b)NapoleonicInvasion

8.Name the President who made amendment to Munro do ctrine to justify American intervention in the affairs of Latin America

 a)  Theodore Roosevelt 

c)  Eisenhower 

b)  Woodrow Wilson 

d)  Truman 

Ans :  a) Theodore Roosevelt

 II)Fill in the blanks

1. The founder of Social Democratic Party was __________.  

Ans:  Ferdinand Lassalle

2.The Nazi  Party’s propaganda was led by _________.

Ans:  Josef Goebbels

 3. The Vietnam Nationalist Party was formed in _________.

Ans:  1927 

4. The Secret State Police in Nazi Germany was known as _________.

Ans:  Gestapo

5. The Union of South Africa came into being in May  _________. 

Ans:  1910

6. The ANC  leader Nelson Mandela was put behind the bars for _________ years. 

Ans:  27 years

 7.  _________ were a military nations.    

Ans:  The Aztecs 

8. Boers were also known  as _________.     

Ans:  Afrikaners

AChoose the Correct Statement

1.  i)    During World War I, the  primary  task  of  Italy  was  to keep the  Austrians occupied on the Southern Front.  (T) 

ii) Germany took to  Fascism much later than  Italy.  (T) 

iii)The first huge market crashing he us occurred in24October1929.(T) 

iv)The banon African national congress was lifted in1966.(F) 

a)  i) and ii) are correct 

b)  iii) is correct

 c)  iii) and iv) are correct 

d)  i), iii) and iv) are correct Ans:  d) i), iii) and iv) are correct 

2.  Assertion  (A) :    A  new  wave  of economic nationalism  which expressed  itself  in protectionism affected the world trade. 

Reason (R)  :    This  was  because  the  USA  was  not  willing  to  provide  economic aid to the debtor countries. 

a)  Both A and R are correct 

b)  A is right but R is not the correct explanation 

c)  Both A and R are wrong 

d)  R is right but it has no relevance to A

 Ans:  b) A is right but R is not the correct explanation 

3.  Assertion  (A) :    The Berlin  Colonial  Conference of 1884–85  had  resolved  that  Africa should be divided into spheres of influence colonial powers. 

Reason (R)  :    The war between the British and Boers in South Africa, however, was in defiance of this resolution.

 a)  Both A and R are right 

b)  A is right but R is not the correct reason

 c)  Both A and R are wrong 

d)  A is wrong but R has no relevance to A

III) Match the following

Ans: 1 - d,  2 - e,  3 - a,  4 - b,  5

Answer briefly

 1.  What do you know of the White Terror in Indo-China? 

The Vietnamese soldiers mutinied against the French occupation of their country. 

In  1929,  there  was  a  failed  attempt to assassinate the  French  Governor General  in Vietnam. 

This was followed by a large scale peasant revolt led by the Communists.

The revolt was crushed and thousands of rebels were killed. 

This is known as ‘White Terror in Indo-china. 

2.  Discuss the importance of Ottava Economic Summit?

 The Great Depression of  1929  had  a disastrous impact  on  British trade and business.

 Britain transmitted the effects of Depression to its colonies. 

Bilateral  trade  treaties between  Britain  and  the member states  of the British  Empire were signed at an economic summit in Ottawa in 1932. 

By  that,  the  participants  (including  India)agreed  to  give  preference to  imperial  over non imperial (British) goods.

 3.  Explain the Monroe Doctrine.?

ThefightforindependenceinSouthAmericawasintensifiedwiththefallof Napoleon in 1815 

Some of the European kings  supported the king  of Spain  to crush the revolutionaries. 

Munroe,  the President  of  the  USA,  then  came up  with  his  famous  Munroe  doctrine.

 It declared  that  if  Europeans  interfered  anywhere  in  America,  north  or  south,  it would amount to waging a war against the United States.

 This  threat frightened  the European  powers and  kept them away  from  South America.

 4.  What was the result of Mussolini’s march on Rome?

 In  October  1922,  organised  Fascist March on  Rome.    The  King  invited Mussolini  to form a government.

 Immediately, he banned opposition parties and censored the press.

 He passed a law forbidding strikes and lockouts. 

New roads, bridges and canals were constructed. 

5.  Point out the essence  of the Berlin Colonial Conference, 1884-85?

The  interior of Africa  was  unknown  to the outside  world  until  the last  quarter of 19th century. 

European colonization began after 1875. 

The Berlin  Colonial  Conference of 1884-85  had  resolved that Africa should  be dividedintospheresofinfluenceofvariouscolonialpowers. 

ThewarbetweentheBritishandBoersinsouthAfricawasindefianceofthis resolution.

 6.  How did Great Depression impact on Indian Agriculture? 

The value of farm products was declined by half. 

At same time, the land rent to be paid by the peasants remained unchanged.

Farmers and  Indian  manufacturers therefore  had  to sell  their  gold  and  silver reserves to subsist and survive. 

The  great fall  in  prices prompted  Indian  nationalists to demand  protection for  the internal economy. 

7.  Explain the reason for the Smuts–Herzog alliance ?

The world  economic  depression  brought  unemployment and  bankruptcy to South Africa. 

In  this  situation,  labour  withdrew its support  given  to the  National  Party  which  was formed by Herzog. 

Smuts,  the leader of South  Africa Party  believed  that a  coalition  government was required to solve the country’s economic problems. 

Therefore, an alliance was formed between Smuts and Herzog. 

8. Social  Science Define“DollarImperialism”

.Dollar  Imperialism  is  the term  used  to describe the policy  of the USA  in  maintaining and dominating over distant lands through economic aid. 

It was  coined  by  the Soviet  Union.  When  the USA  as  a  part of its plan  to contain communism,  pumped  in  13  million  dollars  into  the European  economy.  So,  it is called Dollar Imperialism.

Answer the following in detail

1.  Trace the  circumstances that led to the rise of  Hitler in Germany. 

         The factors which led to the rise of Hitler in Germany were

Before  the  First  World  War,  Germany  reached  the  peak  of  economic,  political  and cultural accomplishments. 

But, in the First World War, Germany was defeated.

 The German people were demoralized. 

The reparations  and  other clauses in  the Treaty  of Versailles caused acute discontent and hardship. 

This  was  utilized  by  reactionary  forces  to  spread  the  idea  that  Socialists  and  Jews  in the  government  were  mainly  responsible  for  downfall  of  nation  and  Germany’s  defeat. 

Germany’s  defeat and  humiliation  at the end  of World  War  I  caused a  deep  shock to the patriotic citizens of Germany. 

The  Great Depression  further deepened  their  frustration  and  prompted  them  to turn against the Republican Government. 

2.    Attempt  a  narrative  account of how the  process  of decolonization happened in India during the inter-war period (1919-39). 

            The decolonization  process started  in  India  from  the beginning  of the 20th  century.  

This  process  stated with  the  launch  of the Swadeshi  Movement in  1905.    The  outbreak of  the First World  War  in  1914  brought  about  rapid  political  as  well  as  economic  changes. 

Government India Act of 1919:

 The Government India Act of 1919 introduced Dyarchy in India. 

It provided  for  elected  provincial  assemblies  as  well  as  for Indian  ministers to hold certain portfolios under Transferred subjects.

 The  Indian  National  Congress rejected  the arrangements under  Dyarchy  and decided to boycott the legislature. 

Lack of measures to industrialise India: 

There was no change in the colonial economic policy. 

The Government of British  India  provided  incentives for the British  iron  and  steel industry by purchasing contracts.

 But  in  the  case  of  indigenous  industries,  support  was  only  in  the  form  of  providing technical advice and education. 

However,  this  policy  was  soon  abandoned  because many  British  enterprises  were hostile to state intervention.

 India and the great depression: 

Bilateral  trade  treaties between the British  and  the member  states  of  the British Empire were signed.

By the treaties, the participants (including  India)  agreed to give preference to imperial goods (British) over non-imperial goods.

 The government of British India raised revenue tariffs in the Depression years. 

The  currency exchange  policy pursued  by  the British  government fuelled  tensions between the colonial government and its subjects. 


 Impact on depression on Indian Agriculture: 

The value of farm products was declined by half.

 At same time, the land rent to be paid by the peasants remained unchanged. 

Farmers and  Indian  manufacturers therefore  had  to sell  their  gold  and  silver reserves to subsist and survive. 

The  great fall  in  prices prompted  Indian  nationalists to demand  protection for  the internal economy. 

Government India Act of 1935: 

This  Act provide for greater  power of the local  governments and  the introduction of direction elections.

 In the elections held  under  this  Act,  the Indian  National  Congress won  a  resounding victory in most of the provinces. 

The decision  of Britain  to involve India  in  the Second world War, without consulting theCongressministriesinprovinces,forcedthelattertoresignfromoffice. 

3.  Describe  the rise and  growth of nationalist politics in South Africa?

 In  1909,  the British Parliament  passed the South  Africa Act and  provided  for a Union Parliament at Cape Town. 

The Four states – Natal, Cape  Colony,  Orange  Free  State  and  Transvaal  formed into Union of South Africa  in May 1910.

 There  were  two  main  political  parties  such  as  The  Unionist  Party  which  was  dominated by  the British and  the  South  Africa  Party  which  had  largely  Afrikaners  (Boers). 

ThefirstPrimeMinister,BothabelongedtotheSouthAfricanPartyruledin cooperation with the British. 

But,  a  military  section  of  the  South  Africa  Party  formed  the  National  Party  under  Herzog.

 In  the 1920  election, the National  Party gained  forty four seats  and  the South Africa Party now led by Smuts secured forth one seats.

 At this juncture the British dominated  Unionist  Party merged with the South  Africa Party. 

In  1924 election,  the National  Party with the support of the Labour  movement composed mainly of white miners won the election. 

By  the Act of 1924,  blacks  were not  permitted to join  trade  unions,  voting  right  was abolished and denied all rights.

10th Social Science unit-2 

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