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10th social Science History Chapter- 4 -  The World After World War II ( world war 2) Book solutions

Unit-4 - HISTORY 
The World After World War II Book Question and answer notes 


Unit-4 - HISTORY

1.Outbreak Of World War I And Its Aftermath

2.The World Between Two World War

3.World War II 

4.The World After World War II

5.Social and Religious Reform Movements in the 19Th Century

Choose the Correct Answer

 1.Who was the first director of whom promilitary? 

a)  Sun Yat-Sen 

c)  Michael Borodin

 b)  Chiang Kai-Shek 

d)  Chou En Lai

 Ans:  b) Chiang Kai-Shek

 2.  Which American President followed the policy  of containment of Communism? 

a)  Woodrow Wilson Social  Science

 c)  Theodore Roosevelt 

b)  Franklin Roosevelt 

d)  Truman   

Ans:  b) Truman 

3.  When was People’s Political Consultative Conference held in China? 

a)  September 1959 

c)  September 1954 

b)  September 1948

 d)  September 1949   

 Ans:  d) September 1949

 4.    The United  States  and  European allies  formed __________  to resist  any Soviet aggression in Europe. 

a)  SEATO 

c)  SENTO 

b)  NATO

 d)  Warsaw Pact 

Ans:  b)NATO 

5.  Who became the Chairman of the PLO’s Executive Committee in 1969?

 a)  Hafez al-Assad 

c)  Saddam Hussein

b)  Yasser Arafat 

d)  Nasser  

Ans:  b) Yasser Arafat 


 a)  1975      c)  1973     b)  1976     d)  1974  

Ans:  b) 1976 

7.  Where was Arab League formed?

 a)  Cairo 

c)  Lebanon

 b)  Jordan 

d)  Syria  

Ans:  a) Cairo

8.  When was the Warsaw Pact dissolved? 

a)  1979.     c)  1990      b)  1989     d)  1991  

 Ans: 1991

  Fill in the blanks

1. __________ was known as “The morning star of China”.  

Ans:  Dr. Sun Yat Sen 

2.In 1918,  the society for the study of Marxism was formed in __________  University. 

Ans:  Peking 

3.After the death  of Dr.  Sun  Yat Sen,  the leader of the Kuomintang  party  was __________. 

Ans:  Chiang Kai Sheik 

4.__________   treaty is  open  to any Arab  nation  desiring  peace and  security in  the region.      

 Ans:  CENTO 

5.The Treaty of __________ provided for mandates in Turkish -Arab Empire.

 Ans:  Versailles 

6.Germany joined the NATO in __________.  

Ans:  1955

7. __________ was the Headquarters of the Council of Europe. 

Ans:  Strasbourg

8. __________ treaty signed on February 7, 1992 created the European 

Ans:  Maastricht

Choose the Correct Statement

1. i)InChina(1898)the young emperor,under the influence of the educated minority, initiated a series of reforms known as the 100 days of reforms. (F) 

ii)The Kuomintang Party  represented  the  interests  of the  workers  and  peasants.  (T) 

iii)YuanShih kai had lost prestige in the eyes of nation a,whenheagreedto the demand of Japan to have economic control of Manchuria and Shantung. (T) 

iv)    Soviet  Union refused to recognize the People’s Republic of  China for more than two decades.  (F)

 a)  (i) and (ii) are correct 

c)  (i) and (iii) are correct 

b)  (ii) and (iii) are correct 

d)  (i) and (iv) are correct 

Ans:  c) (i) and (ii) are correct 

2.  i)    In  1948,  the Soviets  had established  left wing  government  in the countries of Eastern Europe that had been liberated by the Soviet Army.  (T)

 ii)The chief objective of a to was to preserve peace and security Atlantic region. (T)

 iii)    The member  countries  of SEATO were  committed  to prevent  democracy  from gaining ground in the region. (F) 

iv)    Britain  used the  atomic  bomb against  Japan to convey its  destructive capability to the USSR. (F)

 a)  (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct 

c)  (iii) and (iv) are correct b)  (i) and (ii) are correct 

d)  (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

 Ans:  b) (i) and (ii) are correct

3.  Assertion  (A) :    America’s  Marshall  Plan was  for reconstruction of  the  warravaged Europe. 

Reason (R)  :    The US conceived the Marshal  Plan to bring the  countries  in the WesternEuropeunderitsinfluence.

 a)  Both (A) and (R) are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A 

b)  Both (A) and (R) are wrong 

c)  Both (A) and (R) are correct and R is the correct explanation of A 

d)  (A) is wrong and (R) is correct 

Ans:  c) Both (A) and (R) are correct and R is the  correct  explanation of A

Match the following

Ans:  1 – b,  2  – c,  3 – d,  4 – e,  5 – a

Answer briefly

 1.  Write any three causes for the Chinese Revolution of 1911?

The  European  presence  in  China  and  the defeat of  Chinese  produced  hatred  of foreigners.

 The disintegration  of the Manchu  dynasty after  the death of the Dowager - Empress in 1908 was one of the causes. 

The  new emperor was two years old.    Using  this  situation,  the provincial  governors began to assert their independence. 

In 1911, the local army mutinied and the revolt spread. 

2.    Explain  how in 1928  Kuomintung  and Chiang-Kai  Shek established  Central Government in China.

 Chiang  Kai  Shek became the leader of the Kuomintang  Party after  the death of Sun Yat Sen. 

As an  avowed critic of communism,  he removed all  the Communists  from important positions in the party. 

The Kuomintang represented the interests of the landlords and capitalists. 

Chiang Kai-shek started conquering China from Canon. 

In 1928, he was successful in capturing Peking.  

Once again, there was a central government in China.

 3.  Write a note on Mao’s Long March?

By 1933, Mao had gained full control of the Chinese Communist Party. 

In 1934, the Communist Army of about 100,000 set out on the Long March. 

The  marches were continually  harassed by  Kuomintang  forces, by  local  war  lords and by unfriendly tribesmen. 

Outof100,000,only20,000finallyreachedNorthernSheniaftercrossingnearly 6,000 miles.

 4.  What do you know of Baghdad Pact? 

In  1955,  Turkey,  Iraq,  Great Britain,  Pakistan  and  Iran  signed  a  pact known  as Baghdad Pact.

In  1958,  the United States  joined  the organisation  and  thereafter  it came to be known as the Central Treaty of Organisation. 

This  treaty was open to any Arab  nation  desiring  peace  and  security in  the region. 

CENTO was dissolved in 1979. 

5.  What was Marshall Plan? 

The  USA  introduced  the Marshall  Plan  to bring  the countries in  Western  Europe underitsinfluence.

 The  plan  sought  to help  the  countries of Europe  with American dollars  to facilitate their early recovery from the destruction caused by the Second World War.

 European  nations  received nearly  $ 13  billion  in  aid  with shipments  of food,  staples, fuel and machinery. 

Marshall Plan funding ended in 1951.

 6.The Suez Canal crisis confirmed that Israel had been created to serve the a us of western interests –Elaborate?

In 1956, Colonel Nasser – President of Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal.

 With the failure of diplomacy, Britain and France decided to use force. 

Israel  saw  this  opportunity  to open  the Gulf  of  Aqaba  to  Israeli  shipping  and  put  a stop to Egyptian border raids.  So, on 29 Oct. 1956, Israeli forces invaded Egypt.

 Britain  used  this  opportunity  to demand  that its troops  be  allowed  to occupy  the canal some to protect the canal. 

Egyptrefusedandon31Oct.1956,BritainandFrancebombedEgyptianairfields and other installations as well as the Suez Canal area. 

However,  under  pressure  of  world  opinion,  Britain  and  France  ended  hostilities on Nov. 6, 1956. 

7.  Write a note on Third World Countries? 

The  capitalist countries led  by  the US  were politically  designated  as  the First World. 

The Communist  states  led  by the Soviet Union  came to be known  as the Second World.

 States outside these two were called Third World. 

The Third World principally  consisted  of the developing counties which  are the former colonies of Africa, Asia and Latin America. 

With the break of the Soviet Union in 1991, the term has lost its relevance. 

8.  How was the Cuban missile crisis defused?

 In April 1961, an army of Cuban exiles on the island of Bay of Pigs. 

The US bombed Cuban airfields with the objectives of overthrow’sregime.

 In  the mean  time,  the US  government under  Kennedy  came to know  that the USSR was secretly installing nuclear missiles in Cuba.

Finally,  Khrushchev,  President of  the Soviet Union  agreed to withdraw  the missiles. 

Thus the Cuban missile crisis defused.

Answer the following in detail

1. Estimate the role of Mao Tse tung in making China a communist country. 

After the Russian  Revolution  of 1917,  the ideas  of Marx  and  Lenin  became popular among the intellectuals. 

Slowly,  the  Communist  Party  of  China  became popular  under  the  leadership  of    Mao Tse Tung and Chou en Lai. 

The Communist increased their influence among the workers and peas an obtained recruits for their army.

 Mao  had  understood  that Kuomintang  grip  on  the towns was very  strong.   So,  he concentrated his energies on organizing the peasantry.

 The Communists  led  by Mao  retreated into  the wild  mountain  where they stayed for seven years.

 The campaign  against  the communists  was distracted as Chiang  Kai  Shek had  to deal with the constant threat from Japan and also the attacks from war lords.

In  1934,  the Communist  Army  of about  100,000  set out  on  the Long  March.    In 1935, after crossing 6,000 miles, only 20, ooo members reached northern Sheni.

 By 1937, Mao had become the leader of over 10 million people of China. 

With the surrender of the Japanese  (1945),  both  the Kuomintang  and  the Communists tried to capture the power.  In this race, Kuomintang was successful. 

So,  Mao  was  keen on  obtaining  the support  of the middle  class.    In  the mean time,  he  continued  the use  of  guerrilla  tactics  and  also  ordered  large  scale military movements. 

Cities fell one by one and Chiang Kai-shek’s army began to disintegrate quickly.

 In  the summer  of  1948,  Communist  control  was  established  in  most of  the parts of China.   In 1949,  the People’s Republic of China  emerged under the leadership of Mao Tse-tung.

 2.  Attempt  an essay on  the Arab-Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973.?

Ans : Arab-Israeli War – 1967: 

The Palestinian Liberation Organisation was formed in 1964. 

From  that  time  onwards,  Israel  came to  be  attacked  frequently  by  Palestinian guerrilla groups based in Syria, Lebanon and Jordon.

 In Nov. 1966, an Israeli attacked the village of Al-Samu in Jordanian West Bank.

 Israel’s air  battle with  Syria  in  April  1967  ended  in  the  shooting  down  six  Syrian MiGfighterjets.

 Egypt in  support Syria mobilized its  forces  in  the Sinai  and  closed the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping. 

King Hussein of Jordan signed a mutual defence pact with Egypt. 

Accordingly,  it was decided  to place  Jordanian  forces under  Egyptian  command.  Soon Iraq also joined the alliance. 

Arab-Israeli War – 1973: 

Anwar  Sadat,  the President of  Egypt  and  Nafez al-Assad,  the President of  Syria concluded  a  secret agreement  in  Jan.  1973.  Their  aim  was  to  bring  their  armies under one command. 

Anwar Sadat offered the Israelis a peace deal. Israel rejected the offer.

 Egypt and  Syria  launched  a  sudden  and  surprise attack on  the Yom  Kippur  religious holiday. 


By  way  of  mediation,  the  US  succeeded in  asserting  its hegemony  over the  region and its oil. Its  strategy of encouraging  hostility between  states  and  people resulted in  a succession of  wars –  civil  war  in  Lebanon,  war  between Iraq  and  Iran,  Israel’s invasion of Lebanon and US – led war against Iraq.

3.Narrate the history of transformation of council of Europe into a Union?

One of the momentous decisions  taken in  the post World War II era was to integrate the states of Western Europe.  The Europeans countries wanted - 

i)  to prevent  further European  wars by  ending  the rivalry  between France  and Germany.

 ii)  to create a united Europe to resist any threat from Soviet Russia.

 iii)    to form a  third  force in  the world  to counter-balance the strength  of the US  and USSR.

 iv)    to make full  use of the economic  and  military  resources  of Europe by organizing them on a continental scale.

 In  May  1949  ten  countries met in  London  and  signed  to  form  a  Council  of Europe. The Council of Europe with headquarters at Strasbourg was established. 

Since,    the  Council  of  Europe  had  no  real  power,  European  Defence Community,  European  coal  and  Steel Community  and  European  Economic  community  are established. 

The Maastricht (Netherlands) Treaty signed  on  Feb.  1992  created the European Union.

  The  monetary policy  and  a  common  currency (Euro)  to replace national  currencies managed  by  common  monetary  institutions  were  subsequently  planned  and implemented.

 Today, the European  Union  has 28 member states  and  functions  from its headquarters at Brussels, Belgium.

10th social science unit-4 


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