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10th English - Prose -Unit 2 Question and answer


10th English Guide unit 2. THE NIGHT THE GHOST GOT IN  - Prose Question and answer

10th Samacheerkalvi English book back Question and answer Guide


Answer the following questions in a sentence or two. 

1. Why was  the narrator  sorry  to have  paid attention to the footsteps? 

  • The  narrator felt sorry for having  paid  undue  attention  to the footsteps  because it was all  a misunder standing.  
  • There was no ghost moving  down stairs. 
  • It was his  grandfather.  If he hadn’t been so foolish  to take his  grandfather’s footsteps  for those of a ghost, he could have averted that entire hullabaloo. 
2.Why did Herman and  the author slam the doors? 

  • Herman and  the author slammed  the doors because  he was perhaps afraid of the sound of the footsteps. 
3.What woke up the mother? 

  • The slamming of the doors woke up the mother. 
4.    What do you understand  by the  mother’s  act of throwing the shoe? 

  • To  the  extent that  mother was trying  to alert the neighbour and seek their help,she was justified in throwing a shoe and breaking their window.
 5.  Why  do  you  think  Mrs.  Bodwell  wanted  to  sell  the  house? 

  • Mrs.  Bodwell  wanted  to sell  the house  because she wanted  to go back to Peoria, fearing that it was haunted. 
6.How did the cops manage to enter the locked house?

  •  The  cops managed  to enter into  the locked  house  by  breaking the glass of the front door.

7.Why were the policeman prevented  from entering grandfather’s room? 

  • The policemen were prevented from entering the grandfather’s room  because he attacked the police, grabed  one of their guns and shot.

8.Who used the zither and how? 

  • Grandfather used the zither’s gun from it's holster and let fly.
  • The report seemed to crack the rafters and smoke filled theattic.
9. Mention  the things that the grandfather imagined. 

  • He believed that the police were “deserters”  from  the army and tried to fend off the narrator,believing too that he was apart of his paranoid nightmare.

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