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12th Economics unit -10 Environmental Economics National Income Book Back Question and Answer


12th Economics Book Back Question and Answer Tamil Medium & English Medium


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12th Economics Book Back Question and Answer Tamil Medium & English Medium

  • Chapter 10 Environmental Economics
  • Environmental economics (EE) 
is the study of interactions between 
human economic activity and the 
natural environment. EE is the subset 
of economics that is concerned with the 
efficient allocation of environmental 
resources. The environment provides 
both a direct value as well as raw material 
intended for economic activity, thus 
making the environment and the economy 
  • EE takes into consideration issues 
such as the conservation and valuation of 
natural resources, pollution control, waste 
management and recycling. Since 
resources – whether human, natural, or 
monetary –are finite, these public policies 
are most effective only when they achieve 
the maximum possible benefit in the most 
efficient way. 
  • The key objective of EE is to identify 
those particular tools or policyalternatives that will move the market towards themost efficient allocation of natural resources.
Meaning of Environment
  • The term environment has been 
derived from a French word “Environia” 
means to surround. Environment means 
“all the conditions, circumstances, and 
influences surrounding and affecting the 
development of an organism or group of 
organisms”. It also means that the complex 
of physical, chemical and biotic factors 
that act upon an organism or an ecological 
community ultimately determine its form 
and survival.
Meaning of Environmental Economics 
  • It is a different branch of economics 
that recognizes the value of both the 
environment and economic activity and 
makes choices based on those values. The 
goal is to balance the economic activity 
and the environmental impacts by taking 
into account all the costs and benefits. 
In short, Environmental Economics is 
an area of economics that studies the 
financial impact of environmental issues 
and policies. 
Environmental Economics involves 
theoretical and empirical studies of the 
economic effects of national or local 
environmental policies around the world. 

Multiple choice questions
1. The term environment has been 
derived from a French word-----------.
a. Environ
b. Environs
c. Environia
d. Envir
2. The word biotic means environment
a. living
b. non-living 
c. physical
d. None of the above
3. Ecosystem is smallest unit of 
a. Ionosphere
b. Lithosphere
c. Biosphere
d. Mesosphere
4. Who developed Material Balance 
a. Thomas and Picardy 
b. AlenKneese and R.V. Ayres
c. Joan Robinson and J.M. Keynes 
d. Joseph Stiglitz and Edward 
5. Environmental goods are --------------
a. Market goods
b. Non-market goods
c. Both
d. None of the above 
6. In a pure public good, consumption is 
a. Rival 
b. Non-rival
c. Both
d. None of the above 
7. One of the most important market 
failures is caused by ------------
a. Positive externalities
b. Negative externalities
c. Both 
d. None of the above 
8. The common source of outdoor air 
pollution is caused by combustion 
processes from the following----------
a. Heating and cooking 
b. Traditional stoves 
c. Motor vehicles 
d. All the above 
9. The major contributor of Carbon 
monoxide is
a. Automobiles
b. Industrial process
c. Stationary fuel combustion
d. None of the above 
10. Which one of the following causes of 
global warming?
a. Earth gravitation force
b. Oxygen
c. Centripetal force
d. Increasing temperature 
11. Which of the following is responsible 
for protecting humans from harmful 
ultraviolet rays?
a. UV-A
b. UV-C
c. Ozone layer 
d. None of the above 
12. Global warming also refers to as 
a. Ecological change
b. Climate Change
c. Atmosphere change
d. None of the above
13. Which of the following is the 
anticipated effect of Global warming?
a. Rising sea levels
b. Changing precipitation
c. Expansion of deserts
d. All of the above 
14. The process of nutrient enrichment is 
termed as 
a. Eutrophication 
b. Limiting nutrients
c. Enrichment
d. Schistosomiasis
15. Primary cause of Soil pollution is 
a. Pest control measures
b. Land reclamation
c. Agricultural runoff 
d. Chemical fertilizer
16. Which of the following is main cause 
for deforestation?
a. Timber harvesting industry
b. Natural afforestation 
c. Soil stabilization
d. Climate stabilization 
17. Electronic waste is commonly 
referred as ----------
a. solid waste
b. composite waste
c. e-waste
d. hospital waste
18. Acid rain is one of the consequences 
of ------------Air pollution
a. Water Pollution
b. Land pollution
c. Noise pollution 
19. Sustainable Development Goals and 
targets are to be achieved by -------
a. 2020
b. 2025
c. 2030
d. 2050
20. Alkali soils are predominantly located 
in the ------------ plains?
a. Indus-Ganga
b. North-Indian 
c. Gangetic plains
d. All the above 
Part - B
Answer the following questions in one or two sentences 
21. State the meaning of environment.
22. What do you mean by ecosystem?
23. Mention the countries where per capita carbondioxide emission is the highest 
in the world.
24. What are environmental goods? Give examples. 
25. What are the remedial measures to control noise pollution?
26. Define Global warming. 
27. Specify the meaning of seed ball. 
Answer the following questions in one paragraph.
28.Brief the linkage between economy and environment. 
29.Specify the meaning of material balance principle. 
30. Explain different types of air pollution. 
31.What are the causes of water pollution? 
32. State the meaning of e-waste. 
33. What is land pollution? Mention the causes of land pollution. 
34.Write a note on a) Climate change and b) Acid rain 
Answer the following questions in about a page. 
35. Briefly explain the relationship between GDP growth and the quality of 
36. Explain the concepts of externality and its classification
37. Explain the importance of sustainable development and its goals. 

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